AJ School, professionally managed private school established in 2045, has come forth with an objective to provide quality education to children with exemplary instruction designed to educate the whole child so that he/she may become a productive member of the community. We nurture intellectual curiosity, collaborative and critical thinking, and effective communication. Students are guided in the exploration of their intellectual, artistic, technological, physical, social, and character development.
हाम्रो प्रतिवध्दता

एकजना गोठालोका १०० वटा भेडा रहेछन् । तीमध्ये एउटा भेडो वधानबाट छुट्टिएर हराएछ । गोठालो चिन्तित भेर ९९ वटा भेडा छाडेर हराएको एउटा भे़डो खोज्न गएछ । धेरै ठाउँमा खोजेपछि भेडो फेला परेछ । गोठालो खुशीले गद्गगद् भएछ ।गोठालोको यस्तो चाला देखेर ९९ वटा भेडा छक्क परेछन् । त्यसपछि गोठालोले ती भेडाहरुलाई सम्झाएछ, हेर तिमीहरु त सुरक्षित थियौ । तर, हराएको भेडो असुरक्षित थियो । असुरक्षितलाई बचाउनु नै असल गोठालोको कर्तव्य हो ।

Families are a lot like teams.
At their best, families have a unique team spirit which creates a sense of belonging and unity and shared goals.
1.Goals, priorities and expectations which are clearly communicated
2.Roles and responsibilities for every team member
3.Processes and procedures for making decisions and getting the work done
4.Interpersonal relationships which are high quality, trusting and flexible
Brief History
Adarsha Jyoti English Secondary School was founded in 2045 BS upto Primary Level in Gundu-6, Kiwachock with the view of quality as well as practical education in affordable fee. This school was shifted from Gundu 6, Kiwachock to Suryabinayak-6 in 2053 B.S. AJ has run secondary classes since the academic year 2057/58 BS. From the beginning the school has made success to secure good result in SLC/SEE examination.